life gets miserable when the basket gets loaded up.. pressure gets too tight and nothing really gets on your mind.. the only word that enters your mind is that oh damn you pressure cooker ! ...
its really hard when the circumstances play the opposite role of being hero in your life.. anger, frustration, boils up the water inside !! ever felt the 106 temperature ..yeah that's how u feel when life treats you like you are its favorite dice it roles
people say to use calm down exercises .. don't react before .. handle the anger with smoothing strategies.. but trust me when you really are in that hole.. u don't really use all this stuff...
the only thing that works is to ignore that really moment and sit blank.. nothing on your mind nothing to think about well.. not exactly but works for me ...
life constantly throws stones at you.. it doesn't give you time to think about .. what you need to do is use those stones to hit back the targets you have set in you life.. what i mean by that is to use your anger to do something worth while.. like for example right now i am really very angry and how i am using that anger is by doing what i love.. i am writing my emotions down. well i cant really illustrate all my emotions to you guys but trust me this too helps a lot
well to sum it plays with your emotions.... what you need to do is... let your emotions play the game of life :D